
Capacity Building 

Thai Fund Foundation’s Capacity Building has more than 30 skills-based workshops.  The workshops have not only given CSOs much needed skills to effectively manage their projects but have helped them to be competitive in today’s donor-grantee market.  

Thai Fund Foundation provide capacity building training for NGOs/CSOs for more than ten years. We have track record following;
Since established in 1997 to present, Thai Fund Foundation , average, provide 25 training courses per year.

Our courses and curriculum are following;  Resource Mobilisation and Communication, team work, fundraising, fundraising  principle and techniques,  project writing, strategy planning,  research for development work, report and article writing, strategy for systematic thinking, fund raising for development, mission and strategy, organizational strategy planning, providing leadership for community development, empowerment and evaluation of community development projects, women empowerment in community and social development, etc. 

In house Training
Thai Fund Foundation   in house training cours for NGOs/CSOs for many organization such as; 
Plan International Thailand, Duang Prateep, Thai Environmental and Community Development Association, Heifer International Thailand, The Center for the Protection of Children's Rights Foundation, Ministry of Labour , oundation for AIDS Right ,Terre des homes, Rak Thai, Father Ray Foundation,